??? is a special hub world. It technically contains Map and all the other sub-worlds.
??? briefly introduces the concept of individual letters, a concept explored more in ABC.
There is another section focused on around X IS NOT X, and a section focused around .
This level is accessed by winning Map. Winning it sends you to Null.
Returning to map from this world leads to Map.
Initial Rules[]
??? has the following levels:
- 01 - Glitch
- 02 - Error
- 03 - Whoops
- 04 - Mean Fence
- 05 - Scale
- 06 - Fireplace
- 07 - Turn the Corner
- 08 - VIP Area
- 09 - Tense Atmosphere
- 10 - Tag Team
- 11 - Security Check
- 12 - Ultimate Maze
- A - Do It Yourself
- B - Write The Rules
- C - Rewrite The Rules
- D - Written Instructions
- On mobile, Rewrite The Rules and Written Instructions are in the same positions but have their labels swapped.
- Extra 1 - Across (by Corey Martin)
- Extra 2 - Castle Disaster (by Nicklas Nygren)
- Extra 3 - Hazel Den (by Alan Hazelden)
- Extra 4 - Baba Has Keke (by Nicklas Nygren)
- Extra 5 - Orb
- Extra 6 - Huh?
- Extra 7 - Getting Together
- Subworld - Map
- Subworld - ABC
- Subworld - Depths
For help accessing any particular level, see the page for that level. This page shows how to win ???.
Solution 1[]
- Transform Written Instructions into .
- Form .
- Walk on the .
Solution 2[]
- Transform Written Instructions into .
- Transform Ultimate Maze into .
- Form .
- Four levels in this subworld were made by guest editors.
External links[]
- ??? in Baba is Hint: A Spoiler-Free Guide