BaBa Is You Wiki
BaBa Is You Wiki

A noun is a word that corresponds to any possible in-game sprite. A few nouns like Text STAR 0 have multiple corresponding sprites, while both FLOWER and VIOLET have the same sprite. Their sprites are always pixelated. Nouns can be regarded as the "protagonists" of the game, since most of them affect gameplay and all of them have the capability to be YOU, that is, to be the player.

A noun can be used as a NOUN RULE PROPERTY statement e.g. BABAISYOU to give it a property or as a NOUN IS NOUN statement eg. WALLISWATER to turn an object into another object.

All nouns have an "animated" appearance, that is, all nouns have three variants for every sprite, which they change to every 150 milliseconds. When nouns change their position by any means, they push a bit of dust to the opposite direction with the same colour as them.

There are many types of sprites:

  • Static sprites, which have no more than one form (like Key and Door).
  • Sprites that change depending on either of the four directions they are facing (like Skull and Ghost).
    • A subset of such sprites also "walk" (like Baba, Keke, Jiji, andFofo). This is the only sprite type that can have a unique animation for Text SLEEP 0.
  • Sprites that change depending on if they are touching others of themselves (or if they are bordering the level border). There are 16 forms for each. (like Wall and Lava).
    • After an update, Cliff in particular will now also change if it is diagonally touching an object.
  • Sprites that change every move (Text IDLE 0 or when YOU moves) (such as Cog and Bat).
    • A subset that also changes depending on which direction it is facing. (like Belt and Scissors )

Functionally these sprites are identical. By default, a noun has no rules attached to it unless specifically stated, and almost any noun is interchangeable.

Special nouns[]

Certain nouns have special properties:

Noun Properties
TEXT Used to form the rules of the game. By default, TEXTISPUSH.
EMPTY Space occupied by no objects (including objects with no nouns present in the level)
ALL Represents every object that is present in a level. If NOUN ISALL, NOUN MAKEALL or NOUN HASALL, one copy of every different object in the level but TEXT will be spawned.
GROUP Has no object to represent itself. However, every object that is GROUP do not transform; every object that is GROUP also has the properties the group does. Also has two independent variants, GROUP2 and GROUP3.
LEVEL Represents the entire level, level icons and the level border. If level is changed into another noun, the game exits the level and the level icon is replaced by the noun. If another noun transformed to LEVEL, it turns into a level icon.
CURSOR By default, CURSORISSELECT. Is part of ALL.
IMAGE Has a special effect specifically inside Gallery.
ERROR If something is ERROR, the object disappears. Used for debugging.
BLOSSOM Used as part of the normal ending.
EDGE Is technically the tiles on the outside of the level, but in practice is a normal object that all tiled objects tile towards.

Normal nouns[]

These nouns refer to objects that have no special properties.

Name GIF Object Type Tags
ALGAE ALGAE Algae Static decorative, plant, water
ARM ARM Arm Animated, directional
ARROW ARROW Arrow Directional abstract, movement
BABA BABA Baba Character [main] animal, common
BADBAD BADBAD Badbad Character animal, common
BANANA BANANA Banana Static decorative, forest, plant
BAT BAT Bat Animated animal, cave
BED BED Bed Directional decorative, item, town
BEE BEE Bee Directional animal, forest
BELT BELT Belt Animated, directional common, machine, movement
BIRD BIRD Bird Directional animal, mountain, sky
BLOB BLOB Blob Tiled danger, obstacle
BOAT BOAT Boat Directional decorative, machine, movement, water
BOBA BOBA Boba Static decorative, item, town
BOG BOG Bog Tiled forest, obstacle
BOLT BOLT Bolt Directional danger, machine, sky
BOMB BOMB Bomb Static danger, item, machine
BOOK BOOK Book Static decorative, item, ruins, town
BOTTLE BOTTLE Bottle Static decorative, item
BOX BOX Box Static common, item, machine, town
BRICK BRICK Brick Tiled decorative, floor, ruins, town
BUBBLE BUBBLE Bubble Animated decorative, water
BUCKET BUCKET Bucket Static cave, decorative, item
BUG BUG Bug Directional animal, forest
BUNNY BUNNY Bunny Character
BURGER BURGER Burger Static decorative, item, town
CAKE CAKE Cake Static decorative, item, town
CAR CAR Car Directional danger, machine, town
CART CART Cart Directional danger, item, machine, town
CASH CASH Cash Static danger, decorative, item, town
CAT CAT Cat Character animal, forest, town
CHAIR CHAIR Chair Directional decorative, item, town
CHEESE CHEESE Cheese Static decorative, item, town
CIRCLE CIRCLE Circle Static abstract, item
CLIFF CLIFF Cliff Diagonal Tiled cave, obstacle
CLOCK CLOCK Clock Animated decorative, item, town
CLOUD CLOUD Cloud Tiled obstacle, sky
COG COG Cog Animated decorative, item, machine
CRAB CRAB Crab Directional animal, water
CRYSTAL CRYSTAL Crystal Directional cave, item, obstacle
CUP CUP Cup Static decorative, item, town
DONUT DONUT Donut Static decorative, item, town
DOOR DOOR Door Static common, obstacle, town
DOG DOG Dog Character animal, forest, town
DOT DOT Dot Static abstract, decorative
DRINK DRINK Drink Static decorative, item, town, water
DRUM DRUM Drum Static decorative, item, music
DUST DUST Dust Static decorative, sky
EAR EAR Ear Directional abstract
EGG EGG Egg Directional animal, decorative, forest, item
EYE EYE Eye Character abstract
FENCE FENCE Fence Tiled autumn, obstacle, town
FIRE FIRE Fire Static cave, danger, decorative
FISH FISH Fish Directional animal, movement, water
FLAG FLAG Flag Static common, item
FLOWER FLOWER Flower Static decorative, forest, plant
FOFO FOFO Fofo Character animal, common
FOLIAGE FOLIAGE Foliage Static autumn, decorative, floor, plant
FOOT FOOT Foot Directional abstract
FORT FORT Fort Tiled obstacle, ruins, town
FROG FROG Frog Character animal, water
FRUIT FRUIT Fruit Static decorative, forest, plant
FUNGI FUNGI Fungi Static autumn, decorative, plant
FUNGUS FUNGUS Fungus Static autumn, decorative, item, plant
GATE GATE Gate Static decorative, obstacle, ruins
GEM GEM Gem Static cave, decorative, item
GHOST GHOST Ghost Directional animal, autumn
GRASS GRASS Grass Tiled floor, forest, plant
GUITAR GUITAR Guitar Static decorative, item, music
HAND HAND Hand Directional abstract
HEDGE HEDGE Hedge Tiled obstacle, plant
HIHAT HIHAT Hihat Static decorative, item, music
HOUSE HOUSE House Static decorative, obstacle, town
HUSK HUSK Husk Static autumn, obstacle, plant
HUSKS HUSKS Husks Static autumn, decorative, plant
ICE ICE Ice Tiled common, floor, mountain
IT IT It Character animal, common
JELLY JELLY Jelly Static animal, danger, water
JIJI JIJI Jiji Character animal, common
KEKE KEKE Keke Character animal, common
KEY KEY Key Static common, item, town
KNIGHT KNIGHT Knight Static decorative, item
LADDER LADDER Ladder Static item, machine, town
LAMP LAMP Lamp Static autumn, decorative, item, town
LAVA LAVA Lava Tiled cave, danger, obstacle
LEAF LEAF Leaf Static autumn, decorative, plant
LEVER LEVER Lever Directional decorative, machine
LIFT LIFT Lift Directional machine, movement, town
LILY LILY Lily Static decorative, plant, water
LINE LINE Line Tiled abstract, common
LIZARD LIZARD Lizard Character animal, cave, forest
LOCK LOCK Lock Static common, item, obstacle
LOVE LOVE Love Static abstract, common, decorative
ME ME Me Character animal, common
MIRROR MIRROR Mirror Static decorative, item, ruins, town
MONITOR MONITOR Monitor Static decorative, item, machine, town
MOON MOON Moon Static decorative, sky
MONSTER MONSTER Monster Character animal, danger, ruins
NOSE NOSE Nose Directional abstract
ORB ORB Orb Static common, item
PANTS PANTS Pants Static item, town
PAPER PAPER Paper Static decorative, item, town
PAWN PAWN Pawn Static decorative, item
PIANO PIANO Piano Directional decorative, item, music
PILLAR PILLAR Pillar Static obstacle, ruins
PIPE PIPE Pipe Tiled machine, obstacle
PIXEL PIXEL Pixel Static abstract, obstacle
PIZZA PIZZA Pizza Static decorative, item
PLANE PLANE Plane Directional machine, movement, sky
PLANET PLANET Planet Static decorative, sky
PLANK PLANK Plank Tiled floor, town
POTATO POTATO Potato Static decorative, forest, plant
PUMPKIN PUMPKIN Pumpkin Directional autumn, decorative, plant
REED REED Reed Static decorative, forest, plant
RING RING Ring Static decorative, item, town
ROAD ROAD Road Tiled decorative, town
ROBOT ROBOT Robot Character machine
ROCK ROCK Rock Static cave, common, item
ROCKET ROCKET Rocket Directional machine, sky
ROSE ROSE Rose Static decorative, forest, plant
RUBBLE RUBBLE Rubble Tiled decorative, floor, mountain
SAX SAX Sax Directional decorative, item, music
SCISSORS SCISSORS Scissors Animated, directional danger, decorative, item, town
SEED SEED Seed Static forest, item, plant
SHELL SHELL Shell Static animal, item, water,
SHIRT SHIRT Shirt Static item, town
SHOVEL SHOVEL Shovel Directional cave, decorative, item
SIGN SIGN Sign Static common, item, town
SNAIL SNAIL Snail Directional animal
SKULL SKULL Skull Directional common, danger
SPIKE SPIKE Spike Static danger, decorative, mountain
SPROUT SPROUT Sprout Static forest, item, plant
SQUARE SQUARE Square Static abstract, item
STAR STAR Star Static decorative, item, sky
STATUE STATUE Statue Directional decorative, ruins
STICK STICK Stick Static decorative, forest, item
STUMP STUMP Stump Static decorative, forest, obstacle, plant, ruins
SUN SUN Sun Static decorative, mountain, sky
SWORD SWORD Sword Directional danger, decorative, item
TABLE TABLE Table Static decorative, item, town
TILE TILE Tile Static common, decorative, floor, town
TOWER TOWER Tower Static obstacle, ruins, town
TRACK TRACK Track Tiled floor, machine, town
TRAIN TRAIN Train Directional danger, item, machine, town
TEETH TEETH Teeth Animated abstract, decorative
TREE TREE Tree Static forest, obstacle, plant
TREES TREES Trees Static decorative, forest, plant
TRIANGLE TRIANGLE Triangle Static abstract, item
TRUMPET TRUMPET Trumpet Directional decorative, item, music
TURNIP TURNIP Turnip Static decorative, forest, plant
TURTLE TURTLE Turtle Character animal, forest, water
UFO UFO Ufo Static machine, sky
VASE VASE Vase Static decorative, item
VINE VINE Vine Tiled decorative, forest, obstacle, plant
WALL WALL Wall Tiled common, obstacle, town
WATER WATER Water Tiled danger, obstacle, water
WHAT WHAT What Static abstract, decorative
WIND WIND Wind Directional abstract, mountain, movement, sky
WORM WORM Worm Character animal, forest

Note that the normal game also gives Star, Flower, and Tree special sprites in some levels, and New Adventures gives some to Box and Baba (See their pages for more details).

The tags column represents the tags that the object is included in in the Level Editor. Note that these aren't necessarily factually accurate, as FUNGIFungi and FUNGUSFungus are tagged as "plant" even though fungi aren't plants in real life.

Additionally, there are various objects that are used in-game, but are not available in the default object list. They are stored in the levelpack data rather than than the game's data.

Name GIF Object Type Level pack
ANNI Text ANNI 0 Anni Character Baba Is You
MBLOCK N/A Mblock Animated New Adventures!
MPIPEB Mpipeb Stationary
MPIPE Mpipe Stationary

Since the latter 3 objects do not have Text TEXT 0, they do not have a page on this wiki.

All items (176)
